Revolutionizing Power Generation: The Evolution of Steam Turbine Technology


Steam Turbines

The steam turbine is a rotary heat engine that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam and uses it to do mechanical work driving the generator to produce electricity. The steam turbine is one of the most efficient and reliable machines ever invented. It uses steam as the working fluid and produces continuous rotary motion to drive an electrical generator in most electric power plants. Steam turbines are also used to drive ships and trains as well as large pumps, generators, and compressors. In this article, we will explore the working principle, types, components, and applications of steam turbines.


Working principle of steam turbine

A steam turbine works on the simple principle that steam contains heat energy which can be converted into kinetic energy to rotate the turbine blades. In a steam turbine plant, coal, gas, or oil is burnt in a boiler to heat water into high-pressure steam. This high-pressure steam carries a significant amount of thermal energy. The steam is then directed into the turbine through steam nozzles where it expands rapidly and the pressure and temperature decrease. The force of expanding steam pushes against the turbine blades and rotor, causing them to rotate at high speeds of up to 3600 revolutions per minute. The rotating shaft of the turbine is connected to an electrical generator which produces electricity. After leaving the turbine, the low-pressure exhaust steam contains very little usable energy and is discharged into the condenser where it condenses into water and is returned to the boiler as feedwater to repeat the cycle.


Types of steam turbines

There are mainly three types of steam turbines based on how the steam flows through the turbine:


Impulse turbines: In an Impulse turbine, jets of steam strike stationary turbine blades. The kinetic energy of steam jet is transferred entirely to the blades causing rotation. Impulse turbines are used mainly for lower power applications below 500 kW.


Reaction turbines: In a Reaction turbine, the steam transfers some heat energy to the rotor blades causing pressure and volume drop in the steam. The rotating blades accelerate the steam further. Reaction turbines are common for medium power applications between 500 kW to 50 MW.


Impulse-Reaction turbines: This combines the principles of Impulse and Reaction turbines to utilise both the kinetic energy of the high-velocity jet and the pressure energy. Impulse-Reaction turbines are suitable for large power applications over 50 MW.


Major components of steam turbine

The major components of a steam turbine includes:


Casing - It encloses the entire turbine and buckets. Casings are made of steel and maintained at high vacuum to prevent heat loss.


Rotor - It is the rotating shaft joined by blades which is connected to the generator. Rotor spins at high speeds due to steam pressure.


Blades or buckets - They are cylindrical or curved airfoil shaped projections extending radially from the rotor. They convert thermal energy into rotary mechanical energy.


Nozzles - Nozzles control steam inlet into the turbine. The jets strike thebuckets at an optimum angle for maximum energy transfer.


Throttle valve - It regulates steam flow and pressure to control the output of the turbine.


Condenser - It condenses the low pressure exhaust steam from the turbine into water using circulating cooling water.


Applications of steam turbine

Some important applications of steam turbines include:


Electricity generation - steam turbines are highly used in thermal power plants to drive electric generators and produce electricity on a large scale.


Ships - Propulsion steam turbines power the large ships and also used for cargo vessels, battleships and nuclear submarines.


Locomotives - Steam turbines were commonly used in steam locomotives before diesel locomotives replaced them.


Desalination plants - They are used to drive large water pumps that push sea water through reverse osmosis membranes to produce freshwater.


Petroleum refineries - Steam turbines help to drive critical process equipment like pumps, blowers and compressors in refineries.


District heating - Enables distribution of steam generated from cogeneration plants for residential and commercial heating purposes.


Process industries - Industries use steam turbines for many processes like paper making, sugar refining, chemical plants due to high efficiency and reliability.

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